Born in 1969, Seoul, Korea
Works and lives in New York, Seoul
1995 M.F.A in Painting, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago
1992 B.F.A in Painting, College of Fine Arts, Hongik University, Seoul
Solo Exhibitions
2023 The Last Scenery of Mind, Lee Eugean Gallery, Seoul
2021 An Omniscient Artist’s Perspective in the World of Form, Lee Eugean Gallery, Seoul
2018 The multidimensional creatures and the structure of meaning, Lee Eugean Gallery, Seoul
2014 The Advent of Multidimensional Creatures, Gallery Skape, Seoul
2013 Hidden Dimension, Gallery Skape, Seoul
2012 Art HK 12, Hong Kong
2011 Pyramid Dialectic, Mongin Art Center, Seoul
2010 See through Our Eyes, Doosan Gallery, Seoul
2009 Arario Gallery, New York
2006 Arario Gallery, Seoul
2000 The Brain Ocean, Project Space SARUBIA, Seoul
1999 Cigong gallery, Daegu
Selected Group Exhibitions
2016 Visual Arithmetic: The 64 Formal Codes, Lee Eugean Gallery, Seoul
2014 K-P.O.P. – Korean Contemporary Art, Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei
2013 Age of Grand Navigation, Busan Museum of Art, Busan
2013 Suejin Chung, PARKMEENA, Ilju&Seonhwa Gallery, Seoul
2012 Suejin Chung, PARKMEENA, Ilju & Seonhwa Gallery, Seoul
2012 Project 72-1: School as a Laboratory, Old Hongik University Elementary School, Seoul
2012 The Art of Painting, Hakgojae Gallery, Seoul
2012 Re-opening Doosan Gallery Seoul, Doosan Gallery, Seoul
2012 Five Different Prologues, Gallery Skape, Seoul
2011 House/Hold, Lee Eugean Gallery, Seoul
2011 Thinking of SARUBIA, Gana Art Center, Seoul
2011 Haein Art Project: Tong, Haeinsa Temple, Hapcheon
2011 Reopen at Hannam, Gallery Skape, Seoul
2011 Art HK 11, Hong Kong
2011 Chopping Play: Korean Contemporary Art Now, ION Art Gallery, Singapore
2010 K-Art ARCHIVE ROOM, Seoul Art Space Seogyo, Seoul
2010 Plastic Garden, Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai
2010 Artists with Arario, Arario Gallery, Seoul & Cheonan
2009 D AiR : Hyungkoo Lee, Suejin Chung, Uram Choe, Doosan Gallery New York, New York
2008 METAMORPHOSES Korean Trajectories, Espace Louis Vuittion, Paris
2007 Disturbed : New Art from Korea, Peres Project, Berlin
2006 Give me Shelter, Union Gallery, London
2004 Gallery Skape Opening Show, Gallery Skape, Seoul
2004 Suejin Chung, Steven Gontarsky , MeeNa Park, Kukje Gallery, Seoul
2003 Yangguang Canlan : Korean Contemporary Art Exhibition in Shanghai, BizArt Center & Eastlink Gallery, Shanghai
2003 Portrayal Painting-presentation of Hybrid Painting, Youngeun Museum of Contemporary Art,Gwangju
2003 Art Spectrum 2003, HOAM Art Hall, Seoul
2002 Korean & Chinese Painting 2002: New expression, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
2002 Neo Painting: Korea America Young Paintings, Youngeun Museum of Contemporary Art, Gawangju
2002 The show, Insa Art Center, Seoul
2002 Coming to Our House, Darling Art Foundation, Seoul
2001 Two Men Show, PaekSang Memorial Hall, Seoul
2001 Tirana Biennale 1: Escape, Tirana
2000 Young Korean Artists 2000: Towards the New Millenium, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Gwacheon
1999 New Generation: Mixer & Juicer, Art Center, The Korean Culture and Arts Foundation, Seoul
1999 Parking Lot Project 1: Animation, Art Sonje Center, Seoul
1998 Food, Clothing, Shelter, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul
Artist Residency
2003 ssamzie residency, Seoul
2009 Doosan Residency, New York
Public collections
Arts Council Korea, Seoul
Doosan Art Center-Yonkang Foundation, Seoul
Seonhwa Art and Culture Foundation, Seoul
Korea national contemporary museum, guachen
Long museum, shanhai
1999 Hongik university, Painting
2001 Yongin university, Painting
2002 Kukmin university, Painting Half semester
2003-2005 Korea National University Arts, Painting
2016 Visual Arithmetic : The 64 Formal Codes. Lee Eugean Gallery
2014 Budo Theory : About visual theory. Budozi
Curating art show
2020 Transferring Modern Art into tastes of Budo Codes
2015 Soft sculpture, art fashion show, progect space chungdam seoul
1995 시카고 미술대학 대학원 졸업
1992 홍익대학교 미술대학 회화과 졸업
주요 개인전
2023 The Last Scenery of Mind, 이유진갤러리, 서울
2021 전지적 작가 시점이 존재하는 형상계, 이유진갤러리, 서울
2018 다차원 생물 – 의미의 구조, 이유진갤러리, 서울
2014 The Advent of Multidimensional Creatures, 갤러리 스케이프, 서울
2013 다차원 존재의 출현, 갤러리 스케이프, 서울
2011 입체•나선형 변증법, 몽인아트센터, 서울
2010 현시(現視), 두산 갤러리, 서울
2009 아라리오 뉴욕 갤러리, 뉴욕
2006 아라리오 서울 갤러리, 서울
2000 뇌해, 사루비아 다방, 서울
1999 시공 갤러리, 대구
주요 그룹전
2023 히스테리아: 동시대 리얼리즘 회화, 일민미술관, 서울
2019 두산갤러리 뉴욕 10주년 특별전: Decade Studio, 두산갤러리 뉴욕, 뉴욕
2016 이미지 연산: 64개 형상소, 이유진갤러리, 서울
2014 K-P.O.P. – Korean Contemporary Art, 국립타이페이현대미술관, 타이페이
2013 숨겨진 차원, 갤러리 스케이프, 서울
2013 한국미술, 대항해 시대를 열다!, 부산시립미술관, 부산
2013 정수진, 박미나 2인전, 일주&선화 갤러리, 서울
2012 프로젝트 72-1, (구)홍익부속초등학교, 서울
2012 회화의 예술, 학고재 갤러리, 서울
2012 Re-opening Doosan Gallery Seoul, 두산 갤러리, 서울
2012 다섯 개의 프롤로그, 갤러리 스케이프, 서울
2011 House/Hold, 유진 갤러리, 서울
2011 해인 아트 프로젝트: 通 통 Tong, 해인사, 합천
2011 Thinking of SARUBIA, 가나아트센터, 서울
2011 Reopen at Hannam, 갤러리 스케이프, 서울
2011 Chopping Play: Korean Contemporary Art Now, ION 갤러리, 싱가포르
2010 K-Art ARCHIVE ROOM, 서교예술실험센터, 서울
2010 플라스틱 가든, 상하이 민생현대미술관, 상하이
2010 Artists with Arario, 아라리오 갤러리, 서울, 천안
2009 D-Air: 이형구, 정수진, 최우람, 두산 갤러리 뉴욕
2008 메타모포즈, 한국의 트라젝토리, 에스파스 루이뷔통, 파리
2007 Disturbed: New Art from Korea, 페레스 프로젝트, 베를린
2006 Give Me Shelter, 유니온 갤러리, 런던
2004 갤러리 스케이프 개관전, 갤러리 스케이프, 서울
2004 정수진, 스티븐 곤타스키, 박미나, 국제갤러리, 서울
2003 영광찬란: 한국 현대미술, 비즈아트센터 & 이스트링크 갤러리, 상하이
2003 그리는 회화: 혼성회화의 제시, 영은 미술관, 광주
2003 아트스펙트럼 2003, 호암아트홀, 서울
2002 한중 회화-2002 새로운 표정, 예술의 전당, 서울
2002 네오 페인팅- 한∙중 젊은회화: 새로운 시대의 회화, 영은 미술관, 광주
2002 The Show, 인사아트센터, 서울
2002 Coming to Our House, 달링 아트 파운데이션, 서울
2001 2인 전, 백상기념관, 서울
2001 티라나 비엔날레 1: Escape, 티라나
2000 젊은 모색 2000 – 새로운 세기를 향하여, 국립현대미술관, 과천
1999 한국 신세대 흐름전: 믹서앤쥬서, 한국문화예술진흥원 미술회관, 서울
1999 주차장 프로젝트 1: 만화, 아트선재센터, 서울
1998 도시와 영상-의식주, 서울시립미술관, 서울
2009 두산 레지던시, 뉴욕
2003 쌈지 레지던시, 서울
문예진흥원, 서울
연강재단 두산아트센터, 서울
선화예술문화재단, 서울
국립현대미술관 미술은행, 서울
2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x40.64 cm
Apple in Budozi2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x40.64 cm
2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x30.48 cm
Apple in Budozi2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x30.48 cm
2021, Oil on linen, 29.5x43.6cm
Converted Memories2021, Oil on linen, 29.5x43.6cm
2021, Oil on linen, 30.48x40.64cm
Converted Memories2021, Oil on linen, 30.48x40.64cm
2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x30.48 cm
Egg Shells on the Table2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x30.48 cm
2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x30.48 cm
Egg Shells on the Table2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x30.48 cm
2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x30.48 cm
In the Deep Thoughts2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x30.48 cm
2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x30.48 cm
In the Deep Thoughts2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x30.48 cm
2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x40.64cm
Pink Sea2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x40.64cm
2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x40.64cm
Pink Sea2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x40.64cm
2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x30.48 cm
The Arched Entrance2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x30.48 cm
2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x30.48 cm
The Arched Entrance2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x30.48 cm
2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x40.64cm
The Projective Plane2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x40.64cm
2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x30.48 cm
The Projective Plane2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x30.48 cm
2021, Oil on art board, 30.48x40.64cm
The Various Multi Dimension Creatures in the Room2021, Oil on art board, 30.48x40.64cm
2021, Oil on art board, 30.48x40.64cm
The Various Multi Dimension Creatures in the Room2021, Oil on art board, 30.48x40.64cm
The Last Scenery of Mind
Aug 28 – Sep 10, 2023
An Omniscient Artist’s Perspective in the World of Form
Dec 16, 2021 – Jan 22, 2022
[e갤러리] '괴물 평정' 한국판 초현실주의…정수진 '분홍바다'
[e갤러리] 괴물이 산다는 그림…정수진 '정물1-동화의 구조'
Suejin Chung
Born in 1969, Seoul, Korea
Works and lives in New York, Seoul
1995 M.F.A in Painting, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago
1992 B.F.A in Painting, College of Fine Arts, Hongik University, Seoul
Solo Exhibitions
2023 The Last Scenery of Mind, Lee Eugean Gallery, Seoul
2021 An Omniscient Artist’s Perspective in the World of Form, Lee Eugean Gallery, Seoul
2018 The multidimensional creatures and the structure of meaning, Lee Eugean Gallery, Seoul
2014 The Advent of Multidimensional Creatures, Gallery Skape, Seoul
2013 Hidden Dimension, Gallery Skape, Seoul
2012 Art HK 12, Hong Kong
2011 Pyramid Dialectic, Mongin Art Center, Seoul
2010 See through Our Eyes, Doosan Gallery, Seoul
2009 Arario Gallery, New York
2006 Arario Gallery, Seoul
2000 The Brain Ocean, Project Space SARUBIA, Seoul
1999 Cigong gallery, Daegu
Selected Group Exhibitions
2016 Visual Arithmetic: The 64 Formal Codes, Lee Eugean Gallery, Seoul
2014 K-P.O.P. – Korean Contemporary Art, Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei
2013 Age of Grand Navigation, Busan Museum of Art, Busan
2013 Suejin Chung, PARKMEENA, Ilju&Seonhwa Gallery, Seoul
2012 Suejin Chung, PARKMEENA, Ilju & Seonhwa Gallery, Seoul
2012 Project 72-1: School as a Laboratory, Old Hongik University Elementary School, Seoul
2012 The Art of Painting, Hakgojae Gallery, Seoul
2012 Re-opening Doosan Gallery Seoul, Doosan Gallery, Seoul
2012 Five Different Prologues, Gallery Skape, Seoul
2011 House/Hold, Lee Eugean Gallery, Seoul
2011 Thinking of SARUBIA, Gana Art Center, Seoul
2011 Haein Art Project: Tong, Haeinsa Temple, Hapcheon
2011 Reopen at Hannam, Gallery Skape, Seoul
2011 Art HK 11, Hong Kong
2011 Chopping Play: Korean Contemporary Art Now, ION Art Gallery, Singapore
2010 K-Art ARCHIVE ROOM, Seoul Art Space Seogyo, Seoul
2010 Plastic Garden, Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai
2010 Artists with Arario, Arario Gallery, Seoul & Cheonan
2009 D AiR : Hyungkoo Lee, Suejin Chung, Uram Choe, Doosan Gallery New York, New York
2008 METAMORPHOSES Korean Trajectories, Espace Louis Vuittion, Paris
2007 Disturbed : New Art from Korea, Peres Project, Berlin
2006 Give me Shelter, Union Gallery, London
2004 Gallery Skape Opening Show, Gallery Skape, Seoul
2004 Suejin Chung, Steven Gontarsky , MeeNa Park, Kukje Gallery, Seoul
2003 Yangguang Canlan : Korean Contemporary Art Exhibition in Shanghai, BizArt Center & Eastlink Gallery, Shanghai
2003 Portrayal Painting-presentation of Hybrid Painting, Youngeun Museum of Contemporary Art,Gwangju
2003 Art Spectrum 2003, HOAM Art Hall, Seoul
2002 Korean & Chinese Painting 2002: New expression, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
2002 Neo Painting: Korea America Young Paintings, Youngeun Museum of Contemporary Art, Gawangju
2002 The show, Insa Art Center, Seoul
2002 Coming to Our House, Darling Art Foundation, Seoul
2001 Two Men Show, PaekSang Memorial Hall, Seoul
2001 Tirana Biennale 1: Escape, Tirana
2000 Young Korean Artists 2000: Towards the New Millenium, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Gwacheon
1999 New Generation: Mixer & Juicer, Art Center, The Korean Culture and Arts Foundation, Seoul
1999 Parking Lot Project 1: Animation, Art Sonje Center, Seoul
1998 Food, Clothing, Shelter, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul
Artist Residency
2003 ssamzie residency, Seoul
2009 Doosan Residency, New York
Public collections
Arts Council Korea, Seoul
Doosan Art Center-Yonkang Foundation, Seoul
Seonhwa Art and Culture Foundation, Seoul
Korea national contemporary museum, guachen
Long museum, shanhai
1999 Hongik university, Painting
2001 Yongin university, Painting
2002 Kukmin university, Painting Half semester
2003-2005 Korea National University Arts, Painting
2016 Visual Arithmetic : The 64 Formal Codes. Lee Eugean Gallery
2014 Budo Theory : About visual theory. Budozi
Curating art show
2020 Transferring Modern Art into tastes of Budo Codes
2015 Soft sculpture, art fashion show, progect space chungdam seoul
1995 시카고 미술대학 대학원 졸업
1992 홍익대학교 미술대학 회화과 졸업
주요 개인전
2023 The Last Scenery of Mind, 이유진갤러리, 서울
2021 전지적 작가 시점이 존재하는 형상계, 이유진갤러리, 서울
2018 다차원 생물 – 의미의 구조, 이유진갤러리, 서울
2014 The Advent of Multidimensional Creatures, 갤러리 스케이프, 서울
2013 다차원 존재의 출현, 갤러리 스케이프, 서울
2011 입체•나선형 변증법, 몽인아트센터, 서울
2010 현시(現視), 두산 갤러리, 서울
2009 아라리오 뉴욕 갤러리, 뉴욕
2006 아라리오 서울 갤러리, 서울
2000 뇌해, 사루비아 다방, 서울
1999 시공 갤러리, 대구
주요 그룹전
2023 히스테리아: 동시대 리얼리즘 회화, 일민미술관, 서울
2019 두산갤러리 뉴욕 10주년 특별전: Decade Studio, 두산갤러리 뉴욕, 뉴욕
2016 이미지 연산: 64개 형상소, 이유진갤러리, 서울
2014 K-P.O.P. – Korean Contemporary Art, 국립타이페이현대미술관, 타이페이
2013 숨겨진 차원, 갤러리 스케이프, 서울
2013 한국미술, 대항해 시대를 열다!, 부산시립미술관, 부산
2013 정수진, 박미나 2인전, 일주&선화 갤러리, 서울
2012 프로젝트 72-1, (구)홍익부속초등학교, 서울
2012 회화의 예술, 학고재 갤러리, 서울
2012 Re-opening Doosan Gallery Seoul, 두산 갤러리, 서울
2012 다섯 개의 프롤로그, 갤러리 스케이프, 서울
2011 House/Hold, 유진 갤러리, 서울
2011 해인 아트 프로젝트: 通 통 Tong, 해인사, 합천
2011 Thinking of SARUBIA, 가나아트센터, 서울
2011 Reopen at Hannam, 갤러리 스케이프, 서울
2011 Chopping Play: Korean Contemporary Art Now, ION 갤러리, 싱가포르
2010 K-Art ARCHIVE ROOM, 서교예술실험센터, 서울
2010 플라스틱 가든, 상하이 민생현대미술관, 상하이
2010 Artists with Arario, 아라리오 갤러리, 서울, 천안
2009 D-Air: 이형구, 정수진, 최우람, 두산 갤러리 뉴욕
2008 메타모포즈, 한국의 트라젝토리, 에스파스 루이뷔통, 파리
2007 Disturbed: New Art from Korea, 페레스 프로젝트, 베를린
2006 Give Me Shelter, 유니온 갤러리, 런던
2004 갤러리 스케이프 개관전, 갤러리 스케이프, 서울
2004 정수진, 스티븐 곤타스키, 박미나, 국제갤러리, 서울
2003 영광찬란: 한국 현대미술, 비즈아트센터 & 이스트링크 갤러리, 상하이
2003 그리는 회화: 혼성회화의 제시, 영은 미술관, 광주
2003 아트스펙트럼 2003, 호암아트홀, 서울
2002 한중 회화-2002 새로운 표정, 예술의 전당, 서울
2002 네오 페인팅- 한∙중 젊은회화: 새로운 시대의 회화, 영은 미술관, 광주
2002 The Show, 인사아트센터, 서울
2002 Coming to Our House, 달링 아트 파운데이션, 서울
2001 2인 전, 백상기념관, 서울
2001 티라나 비엔날레 1: Escape, 티라나
2000 젊은 모색 2000 – 새로운 세기를 향하여, 국립현대미술관, 과천
1999 한국 신세대 흐름전: 믹서앤쥬서, 한국문화예술진흥원 미술회관, 서울
1999 주차장 프로젝트 1: 만화, 아트선재센터, 서울
1998 도시와 영상-의식주, 서울시립미술관, 서울
2009 두산 레지던시, 뉴욕
2003 쌈지 레지던시, 서울
문예진흥원, 서울
연강재단 두산아트센터, 서울
선화예술문화재단, 서울
국립현대미술관 미술은행, 서울
2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x40.64 cm
Apple in Budozi2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x40.64 cm
2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x30.48 cm
Apple in Budozi2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x30.48 cm
2021, Oil on linen, 29.5x43.6cm
Converted Memories2021, Oil on linen, 29.5x43.6cm
2021, Oil on linen, 30.48x40.64cm
Converted Memories2021, Oil on linen, 30.48x40.64cm
2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x30.48 cm
Egg Shells on the Table2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x30.48 cm
2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x30.48 cm
Egg Shells on the Table2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x30.48 cm
2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x30.48 cm
In the Deep Thoughts2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x30.48 cm
2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x30.48 cm
In the Deep Thoughts2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x30.48 cm
2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x40.64cm
Pink Sea2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x40.64cm
2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x40.64cm
Pink Sea2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x40.64cm
2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x30.48 cm
The Arched Entrance2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x30.48 cm
2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x30.48 cm
The Arched Entrance2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x30.48 cm
2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x40.64cm
The Projective Plane2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x40.64cm
2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x30.48 cm
The Projective Plane2021, Oil on linen panel, 30.48x30.48 cm
2021, Oil on art board, 30.48x40.64cm
The Various Multi Dimension Creatures in the Room2021, Oil on art board, 30.48x40.64cm
2021, Oil on art board, 30.48x40.64cm
The Various Multi Dimension Creatures in the Room2021, Oil on art board, 30.48x40.64cm